Michelle Ramage
Long Beach, Light & Life Christian Fellowship - North

It all started at the monthly “Breakfast Club” meetings with my faithful grandparents. Warm waffles on the table and conversations about the goodness of God fed me physically and spiritually throughout my childhood. In fourth grade, faith and God became more real to me at a winter camp where I realized that I was dead in my sins and could be made alive in Christ! Ever since then I have been on a journey of following my Good Shepherd, Jesus, who leads me by still waters and green pastures and never fails to call me back to Himself whenever I stray or lose my way.
Calling to Ministry
I feel called and gifted to be a shepherd of God’s people and see myself as a bridge builder between the traditional institutional church and alternative missional expressions of the church that God is stirring up. I desire that all would taste and see the abundant goodness of God, particularly those on the margins of society. Vocationally, this could take diverse forms in the overlapping roles of shepherd, prophet, preacher, and apostle. My calling is rooted in the scriptures, particularly Micah 6:8 and Luke 4:18-19.
Free Methodist Church
I attended Seattle Pacific University, a Free Methodist institution, and my twin sister introduced me to the Free Methodist family in Southern California. I am drawn to the FMC because of my love and appreciation for the five freedoms, Wesleyan theology, and the FMC’s emphasis on both personal and social holiness. I am particularly excited about the FMC’s historic and current support of women’s ordination.